An Overview of School Principal
The school
principal is the highest-ranking administrator in an elementary, middle, or
high school. Principals typically report directly to the school superintendent,
but may report to the superintendent's designee, usually an associate
superintendent, in larger school districts. The highest-ranking school level
administrator in some private schools is called the head master. Head masters
have many of the same responsibilities as principals, but they may engage in
additional activities such as fund-raising. In some school districts, a single
person functions as superintendent and principal. Principals, head masters, and
others who are responsible for the overall operation of a school are often
called school leaders. In an era of shared decision-making and site-based
management, the term school leader may also be used in reference to
other school administrators and leaders within the school such as assistant
principals, lead teachers, and others who participate in school leadership activities.
have not always had principals. Around the beginning of the twentieth century,
as schools grew from one-room schoolhouses into schools with multiple grades
and classrooms, the need arose for someone to manage these more complex
organizations. This need was filled initially by teachers, who continued to
teach while also dealing with their school's management needs. These teachers
were called principal teachers. As schools continued to grow, principal
teachers became full-time administrators in most schools. Most principals soon
stopped teaching because of the many demands their management responsibilities
placed on their time. As managers, principals were responsible for financial
operations, building maintenance, student scheduling, personnel, public
relations, school policy regarding discipline, coordination of the
instructional program, and other overall school matters. The management role
included some curriculum and instruction supervision, but overall school
management was the primary role principals played until the early 1980s. As the
accountability movement gained momentum, the role of the principal changed from
school manager to school instructional leader and then to the school reform
leader. With this shift in role focus, principals retained their management
roles. Principals currently play multiple roles: school manager, instructional
leader, and the leader of school reform.
How to Become School Principal
Becoming a principal requires passion for higher
education and strong leadership skills. Most principals start out as teachers
and complete graduate degree programs in education administration before
pursuing advancement into school administration positions.
The last group have explained about school principal
in Indonesia. Here, we will explain some steps how to become school principal
in other countries like United State. It is important to add our knowledge
about school principal and we can compare the system or all things related to
school principal in our country, Indonesia with other countries like US.
1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree
principals usually begin their careers serving as teachers, a profession,
which generally requires a bachelor's degree in education. Many colleges and
universities offer degree programs in elementary, secondary and special
education, which typically take 4-5 years to complete. Curricula are structured
according to the grade levels and subjects that students are training to teach;
however, most degree programs include courses in educational philosophy and a
student-teaching internship. Some states allow graduates of any bachelor's
degree programs to become teachers once they complete a fellowship, teacher
corps program or other approved training.
2: Obtain a Teaching License
private school teachers don't need to be licensed, all states require public
school teachers to be licensed before they can start teaching. Licensing
requirements vary by state, but most licensing boards require candidates to
complete a bachelor's degree and supervised classroom training. Candidates must
also pass a state licensing exam that tests literacy, teaching ability and
subject knowledge. Licensure typically expires after 3-5 years, and teachers
can renew licenses by earning a state-determined quantity of continuing
education credits.
3: Gain Experience as a Teacher
advancing into school administration positions, principals gain leadership,
communication and motivational skills as teachers. Teachers instruct students
by applying various education techniques according to students' needs. They're
also responsible for developing curricula, evaluating students' work and
maintaining a safe learning environment. Teachers' workdays go beyond in-class
instruction; they generally arrive before class to prepare lessons and stay
late to grade papers, plan for the next school day and participate in school
4: Attend Graduate School
prepare for advancement into school principal positions by earning master's or
doctoral degrees in education
leadership and administration. Master's degree programs in education
administration, for example, typically take two years to complete and may
require students to hold teaching licenses prior to enrolling. Courses may
include instruction supervision, curriculum development, administrative
leadership, school law and educational research. Students may be required to
complete internships and thesis projects for degree completion.
5: Obtain a School Administrator License
majority of U.S. states require school principals to have a school
administrator license. To be eligible for licensure, most
states require applicants to hold graduate degrees. Candidates are often
required to sit for a state licensing exam and may be required to complete
on-the-job training under the supervision of a mentor. Principals or headmasters
employed by private schools are not required to obtain state licensure.
Definition Of Professional Organization
A Professional organization or Professional
association is an organization formed to unite and inform people who work
in the same occupation. The roles of these professional associations have been
variously defined:
group of people in a learned occupation who are entrusted with maintaining
control or oversight of the legitimate practice of the occupation
a body acting to safeguard the public interest
which represent the interest of the professional practitioners, and
to maintain their own privileged and powerful position as a controlling body.
Many professional bodies are involved
in the development and monitoring of professional educational programs, and the
updating of skills, and thus perform professional certification to indicate
that a person possesses qualifications in the subject area. Sometimes
membership of a professional body is synonymous with certification, though not
always. Membership of a professional body, as a legal requirement, can in some
professions form the primary formal basis for gaining entry to and setting up
practice within the profession.
There are many opinions are promoted to the understanding of the organization. As follows:
1. According to Stoner Organization
1. According to Stoner Organization
Organization is a pattern of relationships through which people areunder the
direction of the manager to pursue a common goal.
2. According to James D.Organization Mooney
a form of union organization every human being to achieve a
common goal.
3. Chester I. According to Bernard
Organization is a system
of cooperation activities carried out by twopeople or more.
Organization is also divided into two parts, namely the formal organizations and non-formal organizations.
formal organization is a
collection of two or more
persons whobind
themselves with a common
goal consciously and with areasonable working
Example: Limited liability
company, school, state, and so forth.
informal organization is a collection of two or more
people those
involved in an activity as well as common
goals are not
Example: Arisan mothers compatriot, studying with elementary school
children, a
camper to
the mountains Pangrango-do withfriends, and others.
2. Kind of Professional Organizations
Principal in Indonesia
In carrying out its functions, the principal would have
encountered various problems and challenges. All the problems and
challenges should be able to be addressed by the paradigm of achievement of
objectives in an optimal and significant. All this boils down to achieving
national education goals.
Thus it is necessary forged a harmonious, well planned,
organized, determined and professional so that the full potential of the
principal can actually be optimally empowered, siding with the truth, honesty,
punctuality and the importance of education. In addition, to eliminate the
communication barrier between the principal TK / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA /
MA / SMK, SLB, share experiences, and most importantly, become the principal
strategic role to maintain the quality of school education.
Principals are teachers who have additional duties as
head of the school. (Sudarman 2002: 145). Although as a teacher who
had the additional task, the principal is the person most responsible for the
application betanggung principle - the principle of innovative educational
administration at the school. Thus, the principal professional
organization is also concerned about the professional organizations of
teachers, both of which are part of professional educational organizations in
There are several types of professional organizations for
school, most of which are directly related to the principal is AKSI (Principal
Association of Indonesia). Other principal organizations which have
concerns about the school's head teacher who had additional duties as PGRI
(Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia), FGII (Independent Teachers
Federation Indonesia), FSGI (United Federation of Teachers Indonesia), and the
IGI (Teachers Association of Indonesia). All types of organizations
described above will be the principal at the point below.
(Association of School Principals Indonesia)
Problems encountered by
Indonesia in relation to education is a paradigm shift due to globalization and
free trade. The main paradigm
shift is a change-oriented comparative advantage (Comperative advantage) be a
competitive advantage (competitive advantage). This paradigm is not only the
idea that if our country with all its resources in comparison with other
countries then we will be superior in comparison. This paradigm provides an explanation
and also reminds us of the reality and the problems we will face in the future,
namely Indonesia kompetensisumber human resources in the free competition,
winning or loser.
Another thought was appointed as the establishment of the issue of AKSI is a significant contribution of education and the advancement of the nation state. This means that the principal members of the AKSI think of how that education can make a significant contribution to the advancement of society. Size and its parameter is the Human Development Index (HDI), the purchasing power, health status, and length of education does not include legal awareness and mastery of information technology. In fact, since Indonesia's independence, since education is managed solely by this nation, education has not been able to contribute significantly to the advancement of the nation and the State, even though education has lasted 62 years.
Another thought was appointed as the establishment of the issue of AKSI is a significant contribution of education and the advancement of the nation state. This means that the principal members of the AKSI think of how that education can make a significant contribution to the advancement of society. Size and its parameter is the Human Development Index (HDI), the purchasing power, health status, and length of education does not include legal awareness and mastery of information technology. In fact, since Indonesia's independence, since education is managed solely by this nation, education has not been able to contribute significantly to the advancement of the nation and the State, even though education has lasted 62 years.
In addition, the desire school
heads of the various levels can be assembled in a bond that is not
compartmentalized kotaksesuai with each level. The need to come together not only for
the establishment of an intimate relationship, but much more importantly than that
to put education starts from kindergarten through high school / vocational
school as important and has a very important role and significant contribution
to the establishment of resource . Between kindergarten to middle school
principal is the same level and degree, which are both principal. There is no separation, no
discrimination and no class distinctions, but rather the same, which are both
This is another issue that
made the establishment of AKSI is no dichotomy between the private and public
not only the level but also in the concept of levels of reality. AKSI puts the same principals, both
public and private. If a meeting
of the principal, then the question is not a meeting meeting of the principal
chief state school.The role and position of head of state and private schools
are the same, it is enough to mention as well as the principal, not the head of
a public school and private school principals.
The concept below that
encourage school heads gathered in Bandung, on October 3, 2003 to form and
declare the establishment of ACTION, the Association of Principal Indonesia
starting from kindergarten level / RA, SD / MI, SMP / MTs, SMA / MA , SMK including the Special School. With based on the "Declaration
Lembang" which breaks down as follows.
- indonesia is an associate principal of the unity of the republic of indonesia unifying pancasila and under the law of 1945.
- associate principal is indonesia is independent and containers gathered principal and secondary education level to improve quality of education in indonesia.
- associate principal indonesia committed giving quality education.
The use of the term
'ASSOCIATION' are based on sociological and cultural considerations. In sociology, the Association
dimaknakan as associations of people who have similar interests, for the sake
of it can be realized. The
Association is a social unit based on the bond interest such as the rational
interests of Employers, Workers, Teachers, Lecturers, Traders, five feet,
Lawyers, including the Principal Manager. These
social groups are groups that have the same job or profession. Association is more directed to social
groups that have the same profession, ie those who have a profession that saa
want it upgraded to professional profession.
Law No. 14/2005 on teachers
and lecturers in Chapter I, General Provisions Article 1 paragraph (6) stated
that "Professionalism is a job or done by someone and be a source of
livelihood that requires skill, expertise or skills that meet certain quality
standards or normsand require a formal education "Principal is the
teachers who have additional duties as the principal (lead school). There are two principal positions,
namely as a school teacher as a leader ddan (additional duty), which are both
professions. As a teacher and school
leader at the same time, principals have an interest in increasing its ability
to effectively lead the school can take place and the learning process in grade
With this container, it can
forge solidarity among school principals from various levels, developing and
implementing the National Education system, improve the professionalism of the
school principal, a quality education, all that was listed in the statutes and
laws of the AKSI. AKSI for the membership of West Java, according to the secretary
of the AKSI Council of West Java, Drs. Saputra
grandchildren who also served as headmaster of SMAN 4 Bandung is still in a
consolidation phase, which will be planned ahead rakerda in Tasikmalaya in the
near future, the Council will consolidate membership to the DPC-DPC District /
City-West Java because there is strength AKSI district level / City.
The number of members and
trustees of West Java AKSI approximately 80 head of school. He hoped that this membership will
continue to increase significantly from time to time and to realize the mission
of AKSI which refers to the Charter Lembang determined to give them quality
education and the best service for users of educational services elementary and
secondary education.When asked for a response QUANTUM ACTION secretary of the
rotation of the principal in the city of Bandung and the education budget is
sourced from the national budget / budget he proposed that the rotation of the
head of the school in Bandung are common as well as other agencies instituted rotation
and this rotation is not panismen but refers to performance appraisal principals set
out in regulations the Mayor of Bandung. About
the education budget, he hopes to improve the quality of education is proper
government to realize a budget of 20% pure without entering the regular budget
item (salary) into it.
Meanwhile, according to the
secretary of West Java II DPD Nani Sulistiani SPd, in principle approved the
view of West Java AKSI secretary, but she added as a field secretary of the
organization will attempt to accommodate all school principals both under the
auspices of the Department of Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs and
Special School, the very welcomed
the presence of AKSI, can be seen from the structure of the organization who
are obese. Actual organizational
structure is a formality, we are all the same, just a teacher who was given
additional duties as head of the school. Nani
insists, is needed now is to improve the quality of education, school
principals should be professionally appropriate duties and functions, the
togetherness of the principals in creating a quality educational output will be
achieved, he said.
(Teachers Association of the Republic of Indonesia)
PGRI was born on 25 November
1945, after 100 days of the proclamation of the independence of Indonesia. PGRI forerunner organization is
preceded by the name of the Dutch East Indies Union of Teachers (PGHB) in 1912,
later changed its name to the Teachers' Association of Indonesia (PGI) in 1932.
The main objective is the establishment PGRI:
- Defend and preserve the Republic of Indonesia (fighting organization)
- Advance the education of all the people based on populist (professional organizations) Establishment PGRI with EI: "education as public service, not a commodity"
- Defend and fight for the fate and the fate of workers, especially teachers in general (labor organization).
Currently, PGRI has become an
established professional organization of teachers and has been solid both
financially and organizationally. But,
not a few professional organizations of teachers innocent of PGRI, often
disalahmengertikan, some say splinter, or even counter-opposition. This ignorance sometimes legitimized
by statements that do not teach from a handful of bureaucrats or the unscrupulous
steward PGRI PGRI stated the only professional organization of teachers who
legitimit and recognized government. In
addition to national, is also part of an international professional
organization of teachers. This
unfounded statement must be quits. PGRI
teachers and other professional organizations, sit together to formulate an
agreement, establishing a commitment to improve the quality of education and
the dignity of teachers.There are three main problems, which must be completed
by PGRI and other teachers' organizations, namely:
1) Professional
Different well-being,
development, and this career, became one of the factors causing the uneven
quality of education. Teachers
categorized as a civil servant, when newly appointed've enjoyed 80% of basic
salary which amount equivalent to the predicate non-civil servant teachers who
have worked 15 years, and sometimes even non-civil servant teachers' salaries
do not reach above the KHL. In
addition to salary, they also routinely receive education and training and
technical guidance of the teaching profession on a regular basis, while
non-civil servant teachers to wait years to get an education and training and
technical guidance of the government-run teacher training. So is a career problem, the teachers
are very obvious level career civil servant, while non-civil servant teachers
do not have a clear career path.
2) School of
Almost all of the non-civil
servant teachers working in schools owned capitalist foundation. Minus the quantity of teachers who
founded the school, causing teachers to be a prisoner in her own home. At the beginning of the school was
founded, all the teachers concerned and the work prosecuted to the maximum,
when the victorious school, wallowing in material and popularity, not least the
teachers are pioneers sought a mistake to be deported. Tempest is often repeated, but not
many teachers who take a lesson and a revolutionary act.
3) Head of
Although the appointment of
department heads is the prerogative of the head region, does not mean ignoring
the aspirations of the regional head of education and authoritarian acts. It is appropriate, when the governors,
regents and mayors are raised heads of those who have the competence and
understanding of education and teacher training.
(Independent Teachers Federation Indonesia)
FGII Indonesia is the
Independent Teachers Federation, which is declared by many teachers and teacher
organizations from all over Indonesia on January 17, 2002. The organization is expected to be a
means for the intellectual life of nations and freeing teachers and students of
duping structurally, captivity to the profession, then it is in the era of
reform are now teachers must rise to be "The Liberator" and make
education a vehicle for enlightenment and liberation, so that education is no longer a place
pengkerdilan duping and science, but rather as a vehicle for personal
development of students and teachers in a professional, independent, creative,
innovative, and responsible. It
is important for the presence of the Organization of Independent Teachers and
freedom from interference from the state / government.
2.4. FSGI (United Federation of Teachers
In the reform era, the
political consciousness of the teachers began to grow and develop. Especially in this era of education
matters more complex, for example, the problem of welfare, justice /
discrimination, distribution, quality and development of teachers is a problem
that did not go well resolved.
In this era, the problems of
teachers and education more dynamic and sporadic. Very reasonable, if the government
issued Law No. reform era. 14/2005
on Teachers and Lecturers. Where
in one clause, ie Article 41 paragraph 1 asserts a teacher can establish an
independent professional organization. Law
no. 14/2005 is a legal basis for
teachers of young-spirited and progressive and revolutionary
anti-establishment, the organization declared a consciously organized teaching
profession, both locally and nationally. This
article went on to become the door for some activist teachers across Indonesia
that has been felt not accommodated the vision and mission in a single
container, began to establish teachers' professional organization established
and maintained by the teacher. Both
the local level (regional) and national scale. One is the United Federation of
Teachers Indonesia (FSGI).
FSGI is a professional
organization of teachers nationwide. FSGI
declared by 11 local teachers on January 23, 2011 in the ICW. To-11 organization is a Jakarta
Teachers Consultative Forum (FMGJ), Indonsia Teachers Union (terms) Medan,
Brebes Teachers Union (SBS), Commission on Teacher Struggle (KPG) Purwakarta,
Teachers Union Attack (SGS), the Society of Teachers Lebak (seal) , U.S. Master Cilegon (jug), Teacher
Discussion Forums Pandeglang (FDGP), Tangerang City Teachers Union (SiGAT),
Tangerang District Teachers Union (SGT), and the Alliance of Teachers Struggle
(APG) Muna. Local organizations
had been established several years ago, was between 5-6 years, the exception
FMGJ (Jakarta) and FDGP (Pandeglang) who just turned 2 years old.
2.5. IGI (Indonesian Teachers Association)
Teachers Association
of Indonesia (IGI) is a professional
organization of teachers established under Law No. 15 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. IGI is registered in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights by SK Depkumham No.AHU-125.AH.01.06.Tahun 2009, dated 26 November 2009.
IGI as a professional
organization is an
independent, neutral, andindependent with a vision to fight for quality, professionalism andwell-being of teachers in Indonesia, as well as actively participateintellectual life of the nation.
In order to realize the vision
above the IGI asked the teachers,
principals, education
observers, as well as all components of society who have concern for education, are willing to expand their horizons and share experiences together to promote education IGIIndonesia. Each member of the IGI will have identity cards as aMember of membership.
Card issued by the
Executive Memberand applies throughout
the lifetime
of the
organization comply
Membership is voluntary and open IGI. IGI has members which consist of:
Members of the ordinary, which is an Indonesian citizen who belongs to the teacher education and other educational backgrounds who work as teachers.
Members of the extraordinary Indonesian
citizens who have
a background in teacher education and / or does not have a
background in teacher education and the
teaching profession is
notrunning and / or other
educational personnel
Members of the honorary citizen of Indonesia and foreigners
who are considered deserving of teacher education and Indonesia or the world
3. Kinds of Principal Professional Organizations in Other Countries
Not only in Indonesia has the principal professional organization, in other countries also have the same thing. As a comparison, the authors will describe briefly some of the principal types ofprofessional organizations that exist in other countries. The aim is that readers know the extent to which professional organizationsevolve and as reference material.
3.1. United State of
America (USA)
The most well-known professional
organization in America is “AWSP (Association of Washington School
Principals)”. The Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP) is the
state's preeminent professional association for public and private building
principals, assistant principals and principal interns. Formed in 1972, the mission of the Association is to support principals
and the principalship in the education of all students. AWSP now
includes more than 3,500 members from elementary, middle and high schools
statewide. Membership also includes central office administrators, state
policymakers and other K-12 representatives. It is headquartered in Olympia,
in AWSP ensures access to professional development seminars, award-winning
leadership publications, networking events and volunteer opportunities that
will increase your development as a school leader. Our affiliation with
the National Association of Secondary School Principals
(NASSP) and the National Association of
Elementary School Principals (NAESP) also provides members with
news and information about national trends, policy issues and events.
addition to supporting the leadership development of adults, AWSP provides
nationally-recognized leadership programs for K-12 students. It is also the
only principals' association in the country that owns and operates two
full-time outdoor education centers: Cispus in Randle and Chewelah Peak in
Chewelah. Student programs and facilities are operated through the
Association's 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, the Washington School
Principals' Education Foundation (WSPEF).
3.2. Mexico
New Mexico Association of Secondary
School Principals is one of professional organization for school principal in
Mexico. The purpose of this Association shall be to bring together all those
concerned with the administration, direction and supervision of secondary
education, to study problems common to these schools in this rapidly changing
society, to encourage, provide for, and share in research, and to foster a
wholesome professional spirit. In addition, the Association will support
the National Honor Society and members of the National Student Council
Association as the state affiliate of the National Association of Secondary
School Principals, founder and sponsor of these organizations.
The New Mexico Association of
Secondary School Principals embraces the following goals for our organization:
- Unite Principals Statewide for the purposes of creating a secondary leadership network (professional learning committee)
- Increase our membership numbers statewide which has a direct correlation to the importance of leadership (the prinicpalship) in our schools
- Provide a comprehensive professional development platform that ensures consistent delievey of current state and national reform effeorts (ex. Breaking Ranks II and Breaking Ranks in the Middle)
- Share best practices throughout the state
- Support practicing leaders and encourage aspiring leaders
3.3. Australia
Australian Special Schools Principal's Association
(SSPA) is a group of
professional special educators with a common aim of delivering relevant and
meaningful curriculum and offering the best opportunities for students with
special needs, whilst meeting the system criteria for all educators. They are committed to a high
standard of planning and professional development, and research where
applicable, to promote best practice, facilities, programs, and shared
expertise. The constitution allows for full membership for site leaders, and
associate membership for other professionals working in the field of
disabilities, and systems other than DECD.
executive member has the role of managing a focus group, and all members are
encouraged to join a focus group relating to their interest area. They aim for
a high profile within DECD, and in line with other Associations, are
represented on many reference and planning committees, offering our range of
expertise in the field of special education. As SSPA members, they become
members of the National Association which holds membership from all States and
Territories Special Principals' Associations
Being a school principal is a job
that requires great organizational skills in order to be truly effective. With
deadlines to meet and people constantly requiring your presence and
intervention, you need a way to prioritize and keep track of all the
responsibilities coming your way. Organization is a daily, ongoing process that
can save you an enormous amount of time and energy as you go about completing
the tasks set before you.
1. Personal Planner
A personal planner is an invaluable
tool to a school principal. Purchase a planner that is small enough to carry
around comfortably with you at work. Find a planner that has a section for
daily activities as well as monthly events. Use highlighters to color code the events
you write in your planner. For instance, you might mark notes about meetings in
yellow, sporting events in blue and so on. This allows you to find and
categorize activities quickly when you need to refer to them. You may want to
use a desk or wall calendar as well. This calendar should essentially contain
the same activities notated in your planner; the calendar can function as an
extra method for reinforcing what you write in your personal planner.
2. Daily Agenda
Take time each morning to write or type
a personal agenda for the day. Your personal agenda should be more detailed
than your planner. List all activities, along with step-by-step tasks for
accomplishing them. Write in the form of a checklist so that you can mark off
items as they are completed. Indicate with a symbol or a color-coding system
tasks that are of higher priority in order to ensure that they receive proper
attention. Placing your daily tasks in writing frees your mind so that you
don't have to keep trying to remember what needs to be done during the day.
3. Filing
Every principal must have an
effective system of filing in order to remain organized. Use three small
plastic desktop bins for daily filing. Label or color code them as follows:
"To Do," "In Progress," and "File." "To Do"
indicates paperwork that has not yet been started. "In Progress" is
for work that was begun but still needs attention. "File" indicates
paperwork that has been completed and needs to be filed in longer-term storage.
Use a sturdy filing cabinet with multiple drawers for longer-term filing. Place
individual files in to sections such as "PTA" or "Parent
Communication." Alphabetize individual files within larger sections. Be
sure to mark all files and sections clearly and neatly. Keep a copy of
everything! File often so that your desk doesn't become cluttered and you don't
lose important records. Periodically go through your file cabinet to make any
necessary revisions and to get rid of outdated material.
The school
principal is the highest-ranking administrator in an elementary, middle, or
high school.
Becoming a principal requires passion for higher education and strong
leadership skills. Most principals start out as teachers and complete graduate
degree programs in education administration before pursuing advancement into
school administration positions.
School principal also has a professional
organization. A Professional organization or Professional
association is an organization formed to unite and inform people who work
in the same occupation. In Indonesia, the professional organization of school
principal is AKSI (Association of School
Principals Indonesia). principal members of the AKSI think of how that
education can make a significant contribution to the advancement of society. Size and its parameter is the Human
Development Index (HDI), the purchasing power, health status, and length of
education does not include legal awareness and mastery of information
technology. Actually, principal also involved in other organization teacher
like PGRI, FGII, FSGI and IGI, because principal is laso include as a teacher
but they have the other responsibility as a principal. So, they also have a
role in the other professional organization of teacher.
Akhmad Sudrajat. (2009). Sebuah
Catatan Tentang Rencana Sertifikasi Pengawas Sekolah
Ikatan Konselor Indonesia (2008).
Arah Pemikiran Pengembangan Profesi Konselor. Padang: IKI
Soetjipta dan Kosasi Raflis. 2007. Profesi Keguruan . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
( accessed on
April 29th 2012 )
( accessed on May
2nd 2012 2012 )
( accessed on
April 27th 2012 )
( accessed on May
1st 2012 2012 )
( accessed on May
2nd 2012 2012 ) ( accessed on May 1st
2012 ) (
accessed on April 30th 2012 )
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